
Water Data Services - Projects

Water Data Services is currently involved in the following types of routine projects:

  • Operation and maintenance of long term hydrometric stations for various government departments and catchment boards.
  • Design, construction and installation of monitoring sites for councils, government, quarries and wineries.
  • Long term monitoring for EPA water licensing requirements.
  • Water Quality monitoring - Flow proportional composite, sequential and grab.
  • Irrigation water use monitoring.
  • Data management, archiving, verification and processing.
  • Data presentation via this Web page.
  • Software development.

Other projects have included:

  • Ocean and Reservoir water quality profiling in real time.
  • Monthly water quality profiling along the Glenelg River from the Grampians to Dartmoor. This work also includes the recording of qualitative and photographic descriptions of 21 locations over time for the assessment of environmental flow releases. (Client: Glenelg-Hopkins CMA).
  • Comprehensive continuous data logging of water level and EC in 2 South East drains and in nearby bores to assess the interaction between the water table and the drain water. (Client: DWLBC and the Adelaide University)
  • Continuous monitoring of the "water energy gradient" in Dry Creek. The technique, flow derivation techniques and monitoring program has been designed by Water Data Services. The methodology and accuracy of flow determination will be assessed and reviewed by the South Australian University (Civil Engineering). The success of this method may provide alternative flow monitoring techniques without the expense of weir construction. (Client: EPA)
  • Software development of a "Decision Support System" for assessing the environmental and economic risks associated with various environmental flow releases. (Client: AWE, EconSearch, DWLBC, MDBC)
  • Assessment of Nutrient Loads into the Port Waterways using the Water Data Services volume composite sampling system (Client: EPA).
  • Assessment of Nutrient loads into the Lower River Murray using the Water Data Services volume composite sampling system (Client: EPA).